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IRCE Executive Director to Participate in UNGA 79 Science Summit

The Executive Director of the International Research Centre of Excellence (IRCE), Prof. Alash’le Abimiku is scheduled to participate in the Science Summit at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 79) on 13th September 2024.

Prof Abimiku will be serving as a panelist in a session, titled “Exploring Novel Solutions for Tracking and Adapting to the Health Impacts of Climate Change in Resource-Constrained Settings” which will focus on addressing the health challenges posed by climate change, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and the innovative approaches required to respond to the crisis.

A press statement shared by the UNGA 79 Science Summit organizers revealed that the session will examine the critical intersections between climate change and health, with a special focus on vulnerable populations.

 “Notable topics will include climate change’s effects on maternal and child health, the role of data science in monitoring, treating, and preventing health impact, and the importance of global collaboration in implementing effective national adaptation strategies,” the statement said.

“Prof Abimiku will join experts including, Anayda Portela from the World Health Organization (WHO), Brad Newsome from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Ijeoma Solarin from Wits Planetary Health Research, and Chenfeng Xiong from Villanova University to discuss strategies for climate adaptation and financing mechanisms to support the health sector response to the Climate Crisis,” the statement said.

This session will also showcase how research, data, and international collaboration can accelerate climate action and protect the health of vulnerable communities.

For more information and to register for the event, please check https://sciencesummitunga.com/